sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013

About Anne

Hi. I am Anne. 
What's there to tell about me? I am the doodle in pink, to begin with... which is probably obvious, because it says Anne on my arm. I am impulsive and I act on instinct most of times, which ends in either trouble or lots of fun (I am talking about getting in the "Superman" - scary as hell, but really cool). I don't really like sports, unless you count Archery and Swimming. I love to draw, and write, and teach. I'm studying Psychology and to be an English teacher. I have published some stories, and I have some fans on Fanfiction, hehe. In my section you can expect lots of critics about books, TV series, games, and some encouraging for life. Sometimes it will be really random - no, wait, it will always be random, and my updating status depends on how much time I have left from school, as it is my real priority... and getting and maintaining a scholarship, of course. 
I love reading books and Fanfics. I love listening to music, and watching films with my dad, and seeing all those TV obsessions of mine with my sister, and complaining about frustrating authors, and trying to write love stories and failing.
I love living, and I try to enjoy most of it, even if once in a while I get lost in a daydream.
My dream is to leave this city, and fly to Virginia, and have a flat and a cat, and wake up every morning with a warm cup of tea, and just look out the window and see the sky and the people and think: "I am truly happy, for once. For once, I am where I am supposed to be."
So, I hope you enjoy and appreciate my segment, please comment wherever you can - I'll try to upload some stories later - and be happy!

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